Connect molecular clock to whole body clocks

Integrated Clock Architecture of the Whole Brain

We consider every component in the brain as a combination of dielectric resonators put inside a cavity resonator. The growth of such fused resonators starts from a single functional group inside secondary structures of proteins, DNA etc, and grows within-and-above network, up to the entire biological scale. The database of rhythms or clock architectures has been created by the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan. The database covers a complete integrated map of the whole brain and all components, design architecture, electromagnetic resonance properties, and their medical applications. The database aims to serve as a single complete source of all electromagnetic properties. We envision a resource platform for researchers, drug designers, medical practitioners and thus trigger a global research movement where using a geometric language future humanity would communicate with biosystems and correct errors, predict errors well in advance.

How to access the database?

 The data that are available already on this website, the visitors could download it under the creative commons license.

Please open <>  Go to brain---brain components (do not click on brain components, but to its left there is a down arrow, click on it all brain component list would open)------select the component whose data you want to download--login to a Gmail account----apply for accessing----we would authorize from our own server----the user get an automatic email to access the data--- they can click from their email and download, entire page would be visible.